for entrepreneurs
Building up Entrepreneurs One Brick at a Time.  I am Alisha Melvin, Esq., author of "The Lawyertor® Files" and creator of the "Bricks™" Course aimed at uplifting and sharing journeys to success in business for entrepreneurs.  
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Your First FREE Brick "How to Protect your brand"
entrepreneurs aren't born.
They're built.
Get Sh*t Done (GSD) is something you are bound to hear me say... if you hang around me long enough.   It's my personal belief that nothing is given and everything must be earned, which requires a go-getter mindset.  But in order to be the most productive person professionally and in order to achieve the most success, you got to build your brand or business brick by brick!  

On a daily basis I get calls from people asking how I became a millionaire at such a young age.  I can tell you one thing, it only happened with laser focus, dedication and hard work.  People are tired of living paycheck to paycheck and working in jobs where their future is in the hands of someone else.  They are looking to raise themselves up out of situations and gain not only their independence but also their financial freedom.  

Alisha will be dropping the knowledge in this series which includes building a business from the ground up.  The do's and dont's from lessons learned during her journey as an entrepreneur since the age of  19 in a myraid of fields.  ****As a bonus you will also have access to "The Lawyertor® Files" which will give you step by step guidance on how to file your own trademark and so much more.  

Today, Alisha manages multiple profitable brands she founded, including her law firm, Melvin & Associates, PLLC; her real estate brokerage firm, Monsoon Realty,  MR2G; and the “Lawyertor®”, a registered trademark brand.  

Alisha Melvin Esq.
The Lawyertor® A true Renaissance woman and human dynamo, Alisha Melvin’s ascendency from a New Jersey-born 17-year old teen mom to Attorney, real estate Broker, and independent brokerage owner in four states, is one that inspires many to achieve their goals against all odds. With an unwavering determination to succeed, Alisha has an unmatched work ethic that has catapulted her to success in every industry in which she has worked. 
" The Secret of Getting Sh*t Done  Without Breaking The Bank "
Available for a Limited Time Only
Big Picture = Vision
Helicopter View is taking a look at external factors that can affect a business' success.  During this process your coach will help you better understand what it will take to succeed in your business environment, identify your target market, who will buy from you and why.  

coaching that helps you see the big picture for success
helicopter view.
Big Picture Thinking  The Royal Dutch Shell Company adopted in the 20th century the concept of the helicopter view.  The company discovered that this view was a common competency seen in their most successful executives and leadership.  

This concept is closely aligned with strategic thinking as opposed to tactical or operational thinking.  In essence, one must stand back from daily processes and think about the long term direction that needs to be taken.  

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